You have your bike, and you’re ready to ride. Well, before you get out there and start pedaling around your favorite park of trail, you’ll need to have all the gear to make you really look the part. You’ll need the right biking gloves, bike riding boots, biking shirt and of course, a cycling hat. Because, yes real cyclists do wear cycling hats.
Having the right gear however, just isn’t all about looking like a true professional cyclist. Having the right cycling shirt and pants, gloves and boots will also make you feel more comfortable when you are out enjoying your bike ride.
Biking gloves for example, will help reduce fatigue in your hands and fingers and as they are padded, they will also help to absorb any shock that transfers from your bike handlebars through t
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Clincher Wheel - DT Swiss XR 1450
Clincher Tire - T. Juarez Dred Tread
Rim Plug - Velo Plug
Clincher Rim - Protocol WCS
Clincher Tire Tomac Blue Groove Stick-E compound 26 Inches MTB
Handlebar Tape Deda Logo Gun Barrel Gray
Clincher Rim - X 455
Spoke - Super Comp
Spoke - Aerolite Silver
Rear Cassette Hub - Revolver
U-lock - Evolution Series 4
Clincher Front Wheel - LaserDisc Trail 29er
Clincher Tire - Moto Digger
Bottom Bracket Wrench BBT-5
Brake Shoe Logic Red
U-lock - Kryptolok Series 2 Long Shackle
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