bicycle tools


Multifunctional Cateye Cycling Computers

Cateye Cycling ComputersIf you’re serious about your cycling, whether you are riding to increase your fitness, or you are training for an upcoming race event, you need the data to help you determine how you are going and to record your progress. You need cycling computer, and Cateye cycling computers definitely fit the bill. Cateye make a wide range of quality cycling computers and Cateye have a reputation for making some of the most advanced bike computers on the market. In fact, Catey cycling computers are used by many champion teams and professional riders including BMC, Team Type 1, Jelly Belly, Fly V Australia, Velo Bella, Webcor, Michelle Jones, and Jill Kintner. So, let’s have a look at some of the bike computers in the Cateye range. Fitsrly, let’s take a look at the Cateye V3. This cycling computer has function >>>

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