When you buy a bike, you will no doubt spend a good deal of time thinking about the type of bike you want to own. You’ll consider what type of riding you want to do, what size will fit you and of course how much you can afford, or am willing to spend, on your bike. When it comes to cycling clothes, such as biking shirts and shorts, gloves, helmet and bike riding boots, you also need to consider what exactly you need based on the type of riding you will be doing, as well as on your budget.
If you have visions of racing fellow cyclists around those high mountain passes, (think Tour De France) you will naturally have a need for different biking apparel than if you are riding a Canondale mountain bike down a steep rough and rocky trail. And if you are just planning on taking some leisurely weekend rides around your local neighborhood park, then you will have a need for different biking clothing again.
Bike clothing for road racing will generally include a tight fitting synthetic shirt that will effectively deal with sweat and keep you cool when the competition starts to heat up. You can buy biking shirts in your favorite team colors in nice bright colors that will help keep you seen out there on the road.
Biking shorts for road riding are also important. These shorts are usually tight fitting and made from a synthetic material that will not only help them breathe, but feel comfortable on your body as well. Tight fitting bike shorts will help avoid chaffing when you are pedaling furiously and with padding in strategic areas, they will also help keep you feeling relatively comfortable sitting in the saddle over those long rides.
If you are thinking more of getting off road on your mountain bike, then you will require different qualities from your bike clothing. For example, your biking shorts may be looser fitting and will likely have some level of waterproofing for when you are riding through water, mud or in the rain. Your biking boots will also be special mountain bike riding boots, and unlike road racing boots, will generally have thicker tread and provide extra support for your ankles. If you are riding in cold conditions, then you will also need to dress appropriately and there is a wide variety of suitable cold and wet weather cycling apparel available for mountain bike riding.
Cycling shirts for mountain bikers can also differ, depending on the type of mountain bike riding you will be doing. For example, if you are a downhill rider, you will likely wear a looser fitting shirt that has padding sewn into it for added protection for those times when you come off at a high speed down a steep slope.
If, like most riders, you are not into competition or extreme riding, then there is a great range of more casual cycling apparel available. For example, for both men and women you can get a fashionable polo shirt that is loose fitting and just right for those leisurely Sunday afternoon rides around your favorite park. You can also get comfortable shorts or long pants, that you can wear whether or not you are riding your bike.
So, no matter what type of riding you plan on doing, there is a range of comfortable bike clothing for you. Do your research and make sure that you get fitted out with the right apparel for your style of riding.
Tags: Bike Clothing, biking shirts